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Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's Web Page

Tuxedo (medium coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Small

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About Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $150.00
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black (Mostly)
  • Color: White Moustache with white paws / Tuxedo
  • Current Size: 3.3 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 10 Pounds
  • Current Age: 13 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes

Foster Update 3/20/12 : Mitts is a very sweet and gentle kitten. He was found abandoned in downtown Orlando at approximately 6 weeks of age. I took him in and introduced him to my litter of 5 week old kittens and now he is just one of the gang. He is all kitten, but he has a more mature side to him that has always been present. He never seemed to have the kitten awkwardness. He was always lithe and graceful in his playing and running. Granted, he has had a couple of less than graceful moments when he has slipped off the coffee table or a step. He will look at you to make sure didn't see and then continue on his way.

As with any kitten, he loves wrestling, running through out the house and napping. He enjoys going out on the back porch to wrestle and run, but he will take some time out to do some bird and squirrel watching. He also likes to sit in the second story window and watch all that is going on outside. He can turn anything into a fun play toy and is especially fond of a ball of yarn. Lately, he has gotten into the habit of shadowing his foster sister. If she's doing it, he is doing it.

He will usually hang out on the couch with me and loves to sleep in my lap. He really enjoys being pet too. He rarely sleeps in the bed but knows what the alarm means and will be in the bedroom shortly after it goes off.

Mitts is a mostly black tuxedo kitten with little white mitts on his front feet and a white moustache with a black beauty mark. He has the most beautiful angular face and almond shaped eyes. It gives him a wonderful exotic look. When I address him directly, he will come closer, look at me and slowly wag his tail back and forth. Too cute.

More about Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten

Good with Cats

Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Lucky the Happy Go Lucky Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Sabrina the Shy but Loving Girl (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Beckham the Gentle Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Holden the Gentle & Loving Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Riley the Sweet Girl (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Andrew the Sweetie (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Maddie the Pretty Kitty (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Amber the Loving Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten's companion, Triscuit (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten (click to see larger version):

Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten Mitts the Tuxedo Kitten

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