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Simona the Indy 500 Pup's Web Page

Labrador Retriever (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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About Simona the Indy 500 Pup

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: 262.50 (25%)
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tan
  • Current Size: 4 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 40 Pounds
  • Current Age: 10 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
These precious babies were brought to us at 6 weeks old by an owner who rescued the mamma off the street and tried to keep them all together as long as possible.   8 pups were too much work for her with all the food, need for shots and vet care and so she came to Judy for help when they were able to eat real food.  They were fortunately well cared for and loved, but needed our help.  They will hopefully be ready for Memorial Day so we named them after Indianpolis 500 "Indy"  Car famous drivers...and few of the lady drivers over the years.

Simona is a tough little girl in the most delicate and fragile looking package!  She gives her brothers what for, even if they are bigger than her--she jumps right on them!  And then the next minute she's looking up at you with those big eyes, all innocence and sweetness!  When I take her for a walk, she walks a little bit, then will stop and put on her exhausted face, like, "really?  I thought we were just going to the mailbox!"  Then you can't help but pick her up and carry her like a princess all the way home.  She does the same thing when coming in the house from playing.  She stops at the step and looks at it, then looks at you waiting for a hand up and over!  However, if there's cheese involved, she hops the step like it's not even there.   I've been using bits of cheese for training, since her mouth just seemed way too tiny to handle even the tiniest milkbone.  Right now, she's in the beginning stage of housebreaking.  She knows she's supposed to go outside,  she pees right away when she gets to the grass, and she looks up at me afterwards because she knows she's done good and deserves a treat, but she still has accidents in her pen occasionally.
Simona is the color of caramel with a round half circle of dark fur right over her muzzle.  She also has a birthmark on the inside of her thigh that looks like a mechanic put a thumbprint on her after a long day of work.  She has a big round forehead and floppy little ears, and eyes as big and dark as a forest.  She looks like a cartoon of "cute baby animals."  With her tiny legs and paws, it doesn't look like she's going to be very big when she grows up, so if you're looking for a tough princess, she just might be the dog for you!

More about Simona the Indy 500 Pup

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Simona the Indy 500 Pup's sister, Desiree the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's sister, Danica the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's sister, Amber the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's brother, Unser the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's brother, Foyt the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's brother, Andretti the Indy 500 Pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Simona the Indy 500 Pup's brother, Donohue the Indy 500 pup (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Simona the Indy 500 Pup (click to see larger version):

Simona the Indy 500 Pup Simona the Indy 500 Pup

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