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When our hearts grow weary with the constant flow of abandoned pets, we pause to celebrate our successes.  We hope you share our joy as you look at the faces of dogs and cats that now have a home of their own!

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Gala the Green-Eyed Puppy Gala the Green-Eyed Puppy
Adopted: September 13, 2008
Catahoula Leopard Dog (short coat)

Gala the Shar Pei Pup Gala the Shar Pei Pup
Adopted: April 30, 2011
View Gala the Shar Pei Pup's Success Story!
Shar Pei

Galadrial Galadrial
Adopted: May 5, 2007
Labrador Retriever / Dalmatian / Mixed (short coat)

Galaxy Galaxy
Adopted: June 11, 2019
Domestic Medium Hair / Mixed (medium coat)

Galaxy- the sky pup! Galaxy- the sky pup!
Adopted: September 2, 2018
Labrador Retriever / Mixed (short coat)

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