Howey the Lab Puppy
Hi Colleen,
Seth and I just wanted to let you know that Howey is doing AWESOME!!! We have changed his diet from the Iams to a home cooked chicken / veggies recipe that he absolutely adores!!! (Don't worry, I know how to cook for dogs- have read the research and did it for my last two who lived to be fifteen and seventeen...). He is going to the dog park daily where he runs and plays with tons of other dogs. He has become so confident- it's amazing to watch him watch the other dogs and figure out how he's going to jump in on their game! They all treat him very well; even the older dogs seem to understand that he's a puppy and needs "special treatment."
We're also walking him 2-3 miles per day, which he loves, so he is working off that puppy energy!!! :)
He is so smart! Today, he figured out that loading up in the car means we're going to the dog park and he was barking the whole way!! He has also learned to sit at the door when I leave for work (instead of running after me) and has learned sit, stay, down, leave it, let go, and heel. He hasn't had one single accident in the house, either!! Also, he doesn't bark when we go to bed. He only did that the first night, then stopped. What a good boy!
We are so in love with him and he is just such a fabulous dog. So much of that has to do with, I think, his foster mom, Emily. She did wonders puppy training him!
He's also growing like a weed! I swear, his legs have grown 2 inches in the last week! We think he'll be a really big boy, which is great, but for now, he is eating and chewing a lot!
We love Howey so much and really thank all of you at Pet Rescue By Judy for making this happen! He is the perfect addition to our home and we absolutely treasure every moment with Howey.
Thank you, again,