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Animal Success Stories

Second only to finding homes for our animals is the joy of hearing back from their new families.  We invite you to read along with us.  If you should decide to open up your heart and home to one of our angels, please send us a note and photo to tell us how it is going!  We will post it on this page so others can share in your happiness. 

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Dear Judy and family, Happy New Year from the Shumway house. We just wanted to send you a few photos and give you all an update on how Hunter is adjusting. He has only been her since Saturday the 29th and has settled in as if he were born here. I came to you hoping to find a dog that would really take to Mitchell, our 17yr old son. You see, Mitchell has had a bit of a tough time these last several months and has been feeling a bit depressed, down on himself and just plain frustrated with life in general. Besides my husband, I think Mitchell took losing our Sammi the hardest and Molly never really took to Mitchell all that well. Probably because of her experience with the man who had her before us, she just doesn't care for men much at all. I have always been a true believer in the healing powers that can be found in the right companion and OH WOW has Hunter been just what the doctor ordered for Mitchell. They bonded almost immediately and what a change we have seen in him. Not a frown has been seen since Hunter came home and for that alone I can't thank all of you enough. No matter what Hunter is doing all Mitchell has to do is say his name and off Hunter runs to find him. Yes, Mary, Hunter is still quite a "talker" but he is learning to "sshhhh" when told and adjusting to what sounds are everyday normal sounds but is still sure to let us know when someone is here or the neighbor's dogs are out or "Oh my gosh guys, squirrel, squirrel, I gotta go play with the squirrel". He is also great with kids, as the visit by my 1st & 3rd grade nieces proved on Sunday. And he is quite the social butterfly. We were greeted in the driveway by our neighbor's 3 dogs when he first got here Saturday and he was the perfect gentleman. Molly is thrilled to have someone who can keep up with her and loves to play just as much as she does, as you can see by the photo. So far only 2 accidents in the house, both on the first day here but I think he has figured out how to let us know when it's "that time". His tail is healing quite nicely and he took his heartguard with no problems at all. And what a lover he is. The two of them make perfect bookends on our bed and Hunter cuddles into bed with Mitchell every night quite happily. Well, I could go on and on but I think I will let the photos speak for me now so I don't end up writing you a novel. I just want to tell you all again how very, very thankful we are for you and for all that you do. It takes a special soul to give of themselves to so many and ask for so little in return. The world is truly a better place because of people like you. I know our home is one of those places. God bless each of you. The Shumways

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