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Animal Success Stories

Second only to finding homes for our animals is the joy of hearing back from their new families.  We invite you to read along with us.  If you should decide to open up your heart and home to one of our angels, please send us a note and photo to tell us how it is going!  We will post it on this page so others can share in your happiness. 

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Mable the Coonhound
Mable the Coonhound

Hi Keri~ I cannot believe it has taken me this long to be back in touch with you. Sorry about that. We wanted to let you know Mable is a very happy, healthy and thriving family dog at our house. She is no longer afraid of anything. She loves my husband and spends much of her time with him. Not to say she doesn't like the rest of us. She loves our kids too. I guess it would be best to say she has a different relationship with all of us. Mable is definitely benefits from all the attention. She is so spoiled. She has become a wonderful and loving family pet. The first couple of months were up and down because she has so many fears. We all worked through them and I really don't think anyone would ever know of her previous situation. Now our only fear is we worry her tail is going to fall off from wagging so much. She really is a happy dog! I think rescue pets are the most grateful of all pets. They seem to appreciate everything so much! Lately, I have noticed Mable becoming more affectionate and snugly. She loves to cuddle up and sleep next to us or my girls. She and Miller get along fine. They have never had an issue of any sort but outside the house she seems to be his great protector. She is quiet in the house but when she gets out she is loud. We don't mind. We just think she has a lot to say. Anyhow, we wanted you to know how Mable was doing and that she is absolutely wonderful! She loves her daily walks, her toys (of which she has many), and her own bed. She is such a great dog and we are so glad she is a part of our family! Kim

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