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Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix's Web Page

Great Dane / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Great Dane.

Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping her get a new start?

About Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: 250.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tan
  • Color: Tan
  • Current Size: 80 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 80 Pounds
  • Current Age: 18 Years 3 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes
Foster Update 12/28:  Isabelle really is a great dog, loves to cuddle and play with her toys, but also likes to just lay on the couch and relax. She's like a giant lap dog for the most part!
Isabell is a sweet little lady that came from a high kill shelter in Georgia. The lovely lady that was taking care of her will lose her homeowners insurance if she keeps her.  Isabell was very frightened from the long trip and was full of feas and ticks.  But after a bath, shots, a good meal she is starting to fit right in.
Like many dogs in the South, Isabell is heartworm positive, but don't let that stop you from adopting a great dog.  We are treating her with monthly heartworm preventative, our preferred method.  Many heartworm positive dogs go on to lead long and healthy lives.
Volunteer Update 12/08/10:  Isabell is such a sweetie.  She's a "leaner" when it comes to wanting to get your affection.  "Leaners" like to lean against your legs to get your attention.  When Isabell is happy with her "lovies," she wags her tail in a circle! Isabell is NOT GOOD WITH YOUNG CHILDREN NEEDS 10 YEARS AND OLDER. 
*** According to dogbreedinfo.com, the history of Great Danes go way back. Incised on some Greek money dating back to 36 B.C. is the image of a dog very similar to the Great Dane of today.
The Great Dane is known as the "Apollo of all dogs." In 407 A.D. German Gaul and part of Italy and Spain were invaded by an Asiatic people (the Alans) who brought with them powerful mastiff-like dogs. In Germany especially, where these magnificent animals capable of overcoming bears and wild boars were much admired, a process of selective breeding was begun. The dogs were crossed with Irish Greyhounds, and the issue was the beautiful, large, thin, agile dog known today as the Great Dane. Despite the fact that they are called Danes in English, these dogs have nothing to do with Denmark. The Great Dane is a gentle giant. Dignified, kind, sweet and affectionate, it is playful and patient with children. It loves everyone and needs to be around people. The Great Dane does not bark much and only becomes aggressive when the circumstances require it. A steady dog, responsible and dependable. Brave and loyal, it is a good watchdog. They need plenty of exercise - at least a good walk a day. The expected life-span is about 10 years, although some live 12-13.

More about Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids


Other Pictures of Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix (click to see larger version):

Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix
Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix
Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix Isabell the Gentle Dane Mix

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