Gadi is a lovely black lab. He is in need of a new home because his family, like so many others, has fallen on hard times and is moving into an apartment that won't welcome him. It is really a shame because this is an amazing dog, smart, sweet and loving. When I first learned about him, I was told he was just a puppy. Turns out that no, he is two years old, but still has that puppy exuberance. That's a black lab for you ~ puppy for life!
I have a special spot for black labs. They are so unpretentious but so full of life. I mean, really, have you ever seen a black lab that was down? No! They are pure joy in motion, and they like to share that joy with their people!!! I just doesn't get any better than a black lab (my humble opinion).....
Foster Update 9/2 - Just wanted to give you a little update about Gadi. This is one great dog. There is not one agressive bone in his body though he does have a big mouth and complains alot! I can see how someone could confuse his "voice" for aggression since his does talk in a very growly tone but it is all bark and no bite! He walks great on a leash with the rest of my pack and loves the dog park where he can run full tilt with no interuptions. He will need an owner with either a large yard or the time to walk him every day (or take him to the dog park). He gets along great with my three dogs though he is a bed hog! He is very playful and is getting the hang of "get the ball". Ar first he would run for the ball and then drop it halfway back and make me go get it to throw it again. Now he understand how it works and brings it back. He learned 'sit' and 'down' right away but like my dogs stay is not yet in his vocabulary. He will come when called as long as there are no distractions but he does think it's great fun to run out the front door and make me chase him. Open the car door and he comes right away. He loves to ride in the car even if it's only around the block. He is also great with kids though I don't think he realizes how big he is. I had him weighed at Pet Smart and the scale said 96 pounds-not 72. I guess he's gained weight with all the good food and lots of love. I think he still has some growing to do. Hopefully the right person will fall in love with his goofy face and give him a forever home of his own.
*** According to, the Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog. Once known as the "St John's Dogs," the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada the Labrador was trained to jump overboard into the icy waters to haul fisherman's nets to shore. Specimens were brought to England in the 1800's by English ships coming from Labrador, where the dog's fine retrieving instincts were honed and developed. One of the best family dogs and canine companions because of their gentle, loving disposition, the highly trainable Labrador also excels in drug detection, as a guide for the blind, and service dog for the disabled. The breed is also an outstanding obedience and field trial competitor. Highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited. Lively and good-natured, they love to play, especially in water - for they love to swim. They have an excellent, reliable, temperament and are friendly, superb with children and equable with other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel as though they are part of the family. Labs are easily trained. These dogs are watchdogs, not guard dogs, although some have been known to guard. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.