We understand that surrendering your pet is never an easy decision. For most, it is a heartbreaking last resort. At Pet Rescue by Judy, we care deeply about both you and your pet, and we want to ensure you have explored all possible options before making this difficult choice.
Pet Rescue by Judy always takes back pets which were adopted from us should they need to be returned.
If your current situation is temporary — such as housing instability, job loss, or personal hardship — please consider reaching out to friends, family, or co-workers who may be willing to care for your pet while you get back on your feet. You might be surprised who’s willing to help if you offer to cover food or vet expenses.
For military members, we highly recommend Dogs on Deployment, an organization that connects service members with volunteers who can foster pets during deployments.
Behavioral challenges can often be resolved with the right support. Please do not give up on your pet without trying every possible solution.
If your decision is based on financial hardship, there may be help available:
At this time, Pet Rescue by Judy is unable to accept any additional animals due to space and resource limitations. We cannot process surrender requests or emails at this time.
We understand this is frustrating, and we are truly sorry. Please know this decision is to ensure we can continue to provide quality care to the animals already in our care.
If you need to rehome your pet, we encourage you to explore these options:
If space becomes available, we may be able to consider your pet for intake on a case-by-case basis. If this becomes possible, we will require you to submit detailed information about your pet via email. Incomplete submissions cannot be processed.
Please copy, paste, and answer the following questions in your email to surrender@petrescuebyjudy.com:
Please note: Submitting this information does not guarantee intake. If a suitable opening becomes available, we will contact you.
As a non-profit, no-kill shelter, it can take months to find a forever home for a surrendered pet. If we are able to accept your pet, a donation to help offset care expenses is always greatly appreciated and strongly encouraged.
We wish you and your pet the very best. Thank you for caring enough to seek help and for exploring all possible options before surrender.