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*FH* by a pet's name means they are in a foster home.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Employer and phone #*
Is your interest in fostering cats, dogs or either?*
Why are you considering fostering for Pet Rescue By Judy?*
Are you willing to transport your foster pet to the vet and/or the groomer as necessary?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Are you willing to transport the pet to an adoption event if required?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Are you willing to administer common medications as necessary and/or monthly Heartworm preventive (dogs) and monthly flea/tick preventive to your foster pet?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
How many consecutive hours will the pet spend alone during the day?*
Where will pet be kept when you are not home?*
Where will pet be kept / sleep when you are home?*
Do you own or rent your home? (We do verify this information.):* Choose one: Rent Own
Do you have approval from your landlord or rental company to have an animal? PERMISSION NEEDED FROM LANDLORD! (If you own, please select n/a) Choose one: Yes No N/A
If no, list name of landlord/property manager and phone number. *We do call to verify.
If you rent, does your landlord or apartment complex have any breed or weight restrictions? If yes, please state what they are.*
Do you have a fenced yard?
Including yourself, how many people (PLEASE LIST FIRST AND LAST NAMES, GENDER, AND AGE) reside in your household? (Your application cannot be processed without a complete answer to this question)*
Who in the household will care for the pet?*
What pets do you currently have? Please include their name, breed, gender, age, size and temperment. *
Are your current pets spayed/neutered/up to date on vaccinations and heartworm preventative?
What is the name and phone number of your current vet?*
For verification purposes, who is listed as the owner of the pets on the vet records?*
Are you willing to assume the risks involved in working with animals whose behavior is at times unpredictable and acknowledge that Pet Rescue By Judy cannot guarantee that an animal in our rescue will not become aggressive and/or bite/scratch you or a companion?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
FOSTER RELEASE: I am requesting a foster position with Pet Rescue By Judy. I agree to read and follow the rules and guidelines of the organization. I agree not to hold any director, board member, employee, or any other individual personally or otherwise responsible in the event that I sustain personal, financial, emotional or property loss/damage while serving the organization. I agree to follow the supervision of all persons involved in volunteer management. I understand that as a foster I am an important representative of Pet Rescue By Judy and must do my best to represent the organization in a manner that is consistent with its articles, by-laws, guidelines and philosophies. I have read and understand this foster release and agree to adhere to its entirety. (Name and Date)*