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Animal Success Stories

Second only to finding homes for our animals is the joy of hearing back from their new families.  We invite you to read along with us.  If you should decide to open up your heart and home to one of our angels, please send us a note and photo to tell us how it is going!  We will post it on this page so others can share in your happiness. 

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Sam the Black Lab Puppy

Our little Sam has turned 1 year and is truly a beautiful happy boy. He has learned all of his manners and is very obedient when the moon and stars align – haha. Honestly, he is a very good boy but is just a puppy who gets excited over the littlest things. For his birthday his papa decided he needed a brother/playmate so I came home to Rex who is one month older than Sam. Rex is also a rescue who spent most of his life in a kennel on the West Coast but is getting acclimated to us and coming out of his shell to be part of our pack. Sam loves his older brother and let me just say that poor Rex has the cleanest ears in town because they are constantly being licked. The boys love to play together which is great because Sam only has one level of energy which is “high”. We plan on getting both boys DNA tested, I’m confident Sam has grizzly-bear in him because his paws are huge. At his last weigh-in he weighed 77 lbs. but if he has to grow into those paws he could get up into the 300’s. The boys love to go to the ocean to romp in the water and roll in the sand. Rex has been our first swimmer and Sam is still deciding. Right now that back end sinks and he flounders around but he’ll get it and swim like a fish. Until then he can play in the sand and dig with those huge paws, nothing like being able to dig to China in 2 seconds flat. Our pack is happy and secure and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you again for this big o’boy. Doreen Sanders

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