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401 South Laurel Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 302-4497 info@petrescuebyjudy.com
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Animal Success Stories

Second only to finding homes for our animals is the joy of hearing back from their new families.  We invite you to read along with us.  If you should decide to open up your heart and home to one of our angels, please send us a note and photo to tell us how it is going!  We will post it on this page so others can share in your happiness. 

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Fanta the Soda Kitten
Fanta the Soda Kitten

Good Morning, My family adopted “Fanta” , an orange kitten, from your Oviedo Mall location two weeks ago. “Fanta” is now Cinder Ella , and she feels like she has been in our family forever. My 3 year old daughter, Aria, had been asking us for a kitten for months. The cat we had since she was born had passed away and Aria really missed having a cat who is close to her. We gave it a lot of thought and had different tasks for Aria to master before we decided we were ready. I was very nervous picking out a cat. This cat would be a constant companion for my daughter for the next 15+ years. Aria would play with this cat. Soon she will have tea parties with her. In a few more years they will do homework together. When Aria has her first heart break she will curl up in bed with this cat. They will watch scary movies together. They will have sleepovers together. She may even move into her first apartment with this cat. This was a decision I didn’t take lightly. Aria loved Cinder right away and Cinder looked happy with Aria so we brought her home. They instantly became friends and I am so happy to have Cinder in our family. I was reading to Aria last night and Cinder alternated between attacking our book, paying attention to the book and then finally falling asleep. It occurred to me that we found the perfect addition to our family. I want to thank Judy, this organization and the foster parent. You didn’t save a cat, you saved my family member. Thank you. Mrs. Jessica T

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