About Bradley the Tiny Chi pup |
- Status: Adopted!
- Adoption Fee: $350
- Species: Dog
- General Color: Black
- Color: Black with tan feet
- Current Size: 1.8 Pounds
- Potential Size: 8 Pounds
- Current Age: 10 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
This wonderful litter came to us from a a backyard breeder who could no longer keep up with the extended family. We will make sure the parents have a family of their own, and when the babies are ready, we will also find them a forever home! Their mama is an excellent parent and loves her babies. She is so gentle and allows us to handle her pups. We know she will make a great family member. As far as Bradley he is almost the twin in looks as his sister Zully, all black with a white glove, and is also very inquisitive and happy.
An important part of chihuahua puppy care is protecting your precious puppy from being sat on, stood on, dropped, tripped over, shut in a door, or any one of a dozen other scenarios!
You may also be surprised at how easy it is to 'mislay or lose' a 1lb pup, and if that tiny baby happens to get outside without you knowing about it, or slips through that tiny gap in your fence, a tragedy could quite easily unfold.
For these reasons, if you already have a medium or large breed pup or dog, or small children, a Chihuahua may not be the best choice for you.
Many people think that a tiny dog is ideal for a young family, but that's generally not true. Although your 3 year old (or 5/6/7 year old!) may try very hard to be careful with the new puppy, an over-excited squeeze could really hurt his new pet.
Even worse, a startled or nervous reaction could make him drop the puppy, or the normal running/jumping and rough-housing of kids at play could end in disaster.
- See more at: http://www.fidosavvy.com/chihuahua-puppy-care.html#sthash.jiapKjAt.dpufAccording to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the Chihuahua is the oldest breed on the American continent and the smallest breed in the world. Native to Mexico, nonetheless it seems to have been introduced by the Chinese. It was only brought to Europe at the end of the nineteenth century. The Chihuahua is named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua where he was brought to the rest of the world by travelers. This breed is believed to have been sacred to the Pre-Columbian Indian nations. The Chihuahua is a popular, economical companion dog. Courageous, extremely lively, proud and enterprising, it gives and demands affection. Bold and saucy, it moves swiftly to avoid being stepped on. Chihuahua's are strong-willed, intensely loyal and become very attached to their owners, even to the point of jealousy. They like to lick their owner's faces. It is undeniably suspicious of people except for its owner. When strangers are present, it follows its owner's every move, keeping as close as possible. This breed may snap at teasing children, after all it is too tiny to get away. The Chihuahua must resort to his sharp teeth in self defense. It is not recommended for children. He can be noisy and may require patience to housebreak. Many owners simply paper train this breed. The Chihuahua hates the cold and may shiver, although this may be due to high metabolism as much as temperature or anxiety. It will tolerate and even appreciate a warm sweater on cooler days. They are good little dogs for apartment life. Although it is tempting to carry these dainty creatures about, they will keep fitter if taken for walks. A body harness is safer than a collar. Don't think that just because he is small he should be confined to a small space. Chihuahuas have a life expectancy of 15 or more years.