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Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten's Web Page

Bombay (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping him get a new start?

About Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $75
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Black and White
  • Color: Black and White
  • Current Size: 4 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 9 Pounds
  • Current Age: 16 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
Aponi and his littermates were rescued from a high-kill shelter in Georgia. It is a shelter that gasses their animals in mass. They start to whimper after a few seconds and die crying. It is horrible. When we found out that they had 50 scheduled for death on a Friday, we agreed to take a handful if the local group of volunteers could bring them to us. They did, but there was a mix up, and they brought us 26!!! Oh my!!! What were we to do?
Aponi is now ready for a forever home. We have a secret hope that he will be adopted with her best friend Zelda. They aren't littermates, just buddies. Where ever you find one, you'll find the other. It is our belief that kitten do best in a home with a feline companion. With that in mind, if adopted with another cat, we will reduce their combined adoption fee to just $225. And, again, in this case, we recommend Aponi and Zelda, best friends forever!!!
Oh, and if you are wondering about his name, Aponi is Native American for Butterfly.

10/23 Foster Update:
When I went to the kennel to pick him up last night, one of the volunteers told me he kept trying to escape out of the cat room to go hang out with the dogs. Now I know why!

I consider myself a responsible foster mom -- keeping newbies separated from my dog until they get used to each other. But I knew immediately that would not be necessary with this guy. As soon as my dog went up to sniff him, Apony started rubbing up against the inside of his crate. So I opened the door...

After checking out my place and the dog, Apony proceeded to bolt through the house like he was high on catnip, occasionally hunching up his back and running sideways. He also entertained himself batting around some makeshift cat toys I put together (i.e. a crumpled-up piece of paper). He also found my dog’s wagging tail to be quite a fun “toy.” This cat definitely has no issues with dogs! The dog chased the cat. The cat chased the dog. The dog gave the cat kisses. The cat rubbed up against the dog.

When he wasn't busy playing, he was following me around everywhere to see what I was doing. At one point, things got a little “heated.” As I was getting ready to make dinner, I put a pan on the stove and turned on the burner. Not two seconds later, Apony had jumped from the floor directly into the pan!!! Now I know why curiosity killed the cat! Silly boy! He also felt it necessary to walk into the refrigerator whenever I opened it. Everything is new and exciting to him… But that’s the fun of kittens!

He would occasionally get tuckered out throughout the night and plop down on the floor for a few seconds of rest, but then he was up again, running around like a mad kitty! Finally, as it got later, he decided to curl up next to my dog, who was curled up next to me in my recliner. After I went to bed, I did wake up a couple of times to either find him licking and nibbling my fingers as if to say, “Pet me!” or curled up beside me or the dog, fast asleep.

If you want an extremely active, playful cat, Aponi is the one for you!

Also, you must check out, what I think is, the funniest picture below... Aponi was grooming himself when I got out the camera, and the last shot looks as if he's completely surprised that I caught him! Ha!

According to The Cat Fanciers' Association, it has been said that if you want a dog, a cat, or a monkey, you want a Bombay. Bombays can often be leash trained, most enjoy playing

More about Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten's brother, Alo the Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten's sister, Aiyana the Calico (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten's companion, Zelda (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Videos of Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten:

Other Pictures of Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten (click to see larger version):

Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten
Aponi the Dog-Loving Kitten

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