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Independence the Border Collie's Web Page

Border Collie / Spaniel (medium coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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Learn more about the Border Collie.

About Independence the Border Collie

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $200
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black with White
  • Color: Black and White
  • Current Size: 23.8 Pounds
  • Current Age: 18 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
My heart just melts when I look at Independence. She so deserves her name. She came to us on July 3rd, Independence Day Eve. She came to us with her litter of five puppies. And she came to us from a high-kill shelter in Georgia. Yes, they were on the verge of putting this whole family to sleep! Thanks to the efforts of a wonderful group of people, they were transported down to us so that they could have life instead. And so they shall!
Independence looks like a Border Collie, but she is a tiny thing, just 25, maybe 30 pounds. I wonder if she is part spaniel.... Loving? Oh, is she loving! If you welcome this angel into your life, you will find that your cup runneth over!!!
Like a lot of rescued dogs in the south, Independence has tested positive for heartworms, a condition for which we will treat her.

7/24 Foster Update:
I brought Independence into work with me today and she was great with all of the customers. She absolutely loved getting all of the attention. She likes to follow me around everywhere I go and is very mellow. I brought a bed for her to sleep on, and put it behind the register while I was there, so when she wasn't busy being the center of attention, she slept and recouped.

Independence seems to suffer from "connected to the hip" disease. Everywhere I go, there she is right behind me. I went to the store for about an hour tonight and she was practically doing back flips when I returned.

She is the perfect little dog. I have been working on "sit" and "down" with her, and she has the "sit" command almost mastered."

Did you know that black dogs and cats are the least likely to be adopted? I don't know why that is. Maybe they just don't stand out. ZooToo recently interviewed Judy as part of a Black Dog Syndrome story that you can view at http://www.zootoo.com/zootootv/v/petpulse796blackdogsyndromeb2

According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the Border Collie originated in Northumberland on the Scottish/English border. The breed is descended from old British droving breeds with some spaniel added. An outstanding herder, this hardy, agile, untiring sheepdog, is capable of mastering any type of herd. It is said that the Border Collie has an eye that can hypnotize cattle. He crouches down and mesmerizes the animals with its intense stare. One of the most trainable breeds, the Border Collie also serves well as a narcotics and bomb detection dog and is a frequent high performer in obedience, agility, Frisbee(TM) trials, police work, search & rescue, Flyball, performing tricks and competitive obedience. Some Border Collies have been trained very successfully as blind guide dogs. Currently very good results are obtained with them for general assistance to the handicapped in The Netherlands. The Border Collie is a very intelligent and responsive dog. They thrive on praise, are sensitive and very trainable. The Border Collie is highly energetic with great stamina. Provided it gets sufficient activity to keep it occupied and ample exercise, the Border Collie will get along quite happily with other dogs, and children, however the Border Collie may be aggressive with other dogs of the same sex. They should not be trusted with small non-canine pets, however there are plenty of Border Collies that live and get along with family cats. This breed should be very well socialized as a puppy to prevent shyness. To be truly happy, it needs a lot of: ongoing attention, extensive daily exercise, and a job to do. For those who wish to reach high levels in dog sports, the Border Collie is a gift from heaven. Farmers (for whom the dogs perform work for which they were bred) are also happy with them. It is not surprising that at competitive levels in various sports such as: agility skills, obedience, and sheepdog trials, the Border Collie is represented among the leaders in the sport. They are perfectionist with a permanent will to please. This breed lives for serving you day in and day out. They are not ideal pets for people who have no plans to spend a lot of time with them. These dogs are too intelligent to lie around

More about Independence the Border Collie

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Special Needs: HEARTWORM POSITIVE (TESTED 7-14-08); both the treatment type and services provided will be by Pet Rescue By Judy and/or its associated veterinarian's office. The commitment required from the adoptive family is the animal's attendance at the treatment, quiet time and relaxation after the procedure, followed up by monthly heart guard tablets each and every month in the future for the remainder of the life of the animal. The latter, of course, is an on-going parental obligations with all pets in the household

Independence the Border Collie's baby boy, Charlie Chaplin the Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Independence the Border Collie's baby boy, Cinnamon Bear the Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Independence the Border Collie's baby girl, Giselle the Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Independence the Border Collie's baby girl, Coco Chanel the Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Independence the Border Collie's baby boy, Gummy Bear the Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Independence the Border Collie (click to see larger version):

Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie
Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie Independence the Border Collie

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