Zeleey is a very loving brindle lab. She came to us with her litter of seven puppies. They have found their forever homes, now it is Zeleey's turn! And she really deserves it. You see, the person who had her was doing the backyard breeder thing. We don't know how many litters she has had. She's young so we got her out before she was worn out, but she had lived exclusively outside until we got her. She is a very sweet thing, so appreciative of love and attention. She runs like a deer, those long legs just flashing by. And toys? Oh my! You can tell that she never had toys before. She loves them and plays with them for hours.
7/14 Update:
Zeleey was adopted from us last fall by an older woman and life was good. Sadly, the sweet lady has passed away and her family is unable to keep Zeleey. They sent this wonderful update about her. I truly hope that this sweet dog does not have to wait long for her next home:
" She is a sweet and affectionate dog. She is so quiet, she has only barked 5 times in the past 8 months. She loves going on walks and/or runs. She is so curious about everything. She likes to hop like frogs and follow flies. She is extremely sensitive though. Loud noises and flashing lights, such as fireworks and thunder storms, really scare her. To the point of shaking uncontrollably for hours after. You can try and calm her, distract her, but she knows better. She is smart. She also seems to be scared of any long stick objects like a broom or mop. Whenever I take them out to clean, she goes running.
I keep her in a crate during the day when I am not at home. She does very well. She is also really good with kids. I have two boys, 5 and 11 and she is great with them. She loves to play with them all the time. She does well with other dogs as long as they don't try to jump on her or attack her. She runs away to avoid conflict. Again, she is very sensitive. She does not like cats though. When we go on walks, she tries to attack them if they are in sight. Her leash has left some burns on my wrist and fingers. That is the only aggression I see from her.
Lastly, she does not like getting her nail cut or take baths. It takes 3 or 4 people sometimes to hold her down just to get a nail trim. I have to pay people to do it because she won't come to me for days if I do it. She once avoided me for two days for just cutting one nail. When I take her to the groomers, she knows the moment we get near because she tries to run away. If we go to the dog wash, she tries to jump out of the bathtub.
She loves every cheerful person that comes in contact with her. She is an amazing dog and will be great for anyone any age, as long as they can deal with her sensitivity to certain things. "
A couple of thoughts from me: So far as nail trimming, I never trim my dogs' nails. I have found that just taking them for walks on the sidewalk more than does the trick. So far as anxiety, you can get a product like Travelers Remedy that you give her when a thunderstorm is rolling in. It will help her relax and then you just wean her off of it. My dog, Tenakee, had severe separation anxiety to the extent that he ripped three teeth out of his mouth when trying to get out of his crate. After suffering for four years, we found Composure (a similar product), gave it to him half an hour before we'd leave. Within three weeks he no longer needed it and we were able to leave him loose in the house. He also no longer suffered terrors during thunder storms.
I have left the following entries on Zeleey that were made by her original fosters. I think they go a long way to really showing what a wonderful dog this angel is!
Zeleey was so excited to go to her foster home. Did I mention that she had never lived inside before? She did soooo good at Liz's home. Yes, there were a couple of accidents on the floor at first, but she so wanted to please, who could be upset with her? And how she loved romping in the back yard, playing around. Unfortunately, she is such a puppy she kept trying to get Liz's other dogs to play with her. Well, they are older, more sophisticated Schnauzers who couldn't imagine what Liz was thinking bringing this "dog" home to them. They weren't very nice to Zeleey, but she would just cock her head at them with a, "Gee, what's your problem?" look. Zeleey is definately NOT dog aggressive, that's all I can say! She could have had that little pack for lunch but didn't. Unfortunately, they were unwilling to accept her and after a month Liz had to bring Zeleey back to us. She is heartbroken as she truly wanted to foster Zeleey until she found her forever home. That's ok ~ Zeleey had the best month of her life! And we are going to find her the best family ever.
Here is the foster update that Lis shared shortly after she first started fostering Zeleey:
Foster update 7/22/08:
She is such a lovable sweet dog. She has the most beautiful golden eyes that the pictures do not do her justice. All she wants to do is play. I have baskets of stuffed toys for my spoiled dogs and she had so much fun taking all of them out and playing with them. She also loves to chew so I gave her the rawhide bones with the meat in the middle and she loves them. Zeleey never barks. My dogs could be all barking at her and she just wants to play- she never barked at them once.
She knows how to sit and she understands the word No. She is very intelligent and loves to be by your side when she is not playing. Any family who adopts her will be very lucky-she has the most sweetest disposition and likes all people and dogs.
I also want to tell you that she is not fully housebroken. She has had accidents on my rug a few times especially after she has been playing in the house."
Zeleey's foster loves her so much she asked me to add her work and home number to the webpage because, "I would not want to miss talking to anyone interested in Adopting Zeleey." Gosh, I love our fosters! If you would like to learn more about Zeleey, you may contact her foster, Liz, at (w)407-551-2754 or (h)407-542-6136.
7/30/08 Foster Update:
"She is doing beautifully. There are no more accidents.
She is fully housebroken. I think being in a strange environment confused her at first.
She and my other dogs have the run of the house except for the bedrooms.
She is such a happy dog. Always want to play with the stuffed toys that she never destroys.
All she wants to be is petted and loved. She lies on her back so you can scratch her tummy.
As I said before, anyone would be lucky to have her as his or her family pet."