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Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Baby  : :  Small

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About Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $75.00
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Brown Tabby
  • Color: Black, Grey, Tan & White / Tabby
  • Current Size: 3 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 8 Pounds
  • Current Age: 11 Years 6 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
Foster Update (1/2/14):

If I were to write a description of the ultimate love cat, I would sum it up in one word: Jasmine. Whenever Jasmine sees us, she scampers right over to us and peeps to be picked up. She’s been known to climb our pants legs to get our attention if we don’t respond immediately. She loves to be held and snuggled and doesn’t mind being smothered with kisses. She uses her loud rumble purr to voice her approval.

Jasmine is highly active and loves to run and play with her sister Isabella. She’s also very inquisitive and likes to follow us around the house. It’s quite common for her to run into the room behind us before we can close the door to keep her out. She’ll then explore her surroundings like she’s on a treasure hunt.

Jasmine doesn’t like being alone and will peep incessantly if left by herself in a room. She’s quick to forgive once she’s been liberated and is back in the company of her human caregivers, her sister, and her other feline companions.

If I’m sitting on the couch and Jasmine is tired, it’s quite common for her to climb in my lap or curl up in a ball on my chest. Yes, you read that correctly. My chest! She’s been doing that since she was 3 weeks old and it’s her favorite place to sleep. I think perhaps she finds the sound of my heartbeat soothing. Sometimes she'll even give me a couple of chin licks before dozing off to sleep. She’ll continue to purr happily, even while she sleeps.

Jasmine gets along well with our other cats and our cocker spaniel. She also does well with children. Because of her high activity level and need for companionship, I recommend that Jasmine be adopted with her sister Isabella. They are deeply bonded and complement each other's personalities and energy levels. Jasmine is truly the ultimate snuggly, love bug kitten and would make a wonderful addition to any home.

I was left behind by my mother and a very nice man saved me.

More about Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten's sister, Isabella the Affectionate Declawed Cat (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten (click to see larger version):

Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten Jasmine the Ultimate Snuggly Love Bug Kitten

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