About Sable the Mama Lab |
- Status: Adopted! | View Sable the Mama Lab's Success Story!
- Adoption Fee: $200.00
- Species: Dog
- General Color: Yellow
- Color: Yellow
- Current Size: 56.6 Pounds
- Current Age: 16 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
Foster Update 2/16/14:
We have had Sable for a few days now. After fostering dogs for almost 4 years, I have never seen anything like her before. My initial impression of her is that she has "given up"- so extremely depressed and so beyond scared and spirit so broken that she has shut down. She has a spot in the house where she lies all day. She does not ever seem to care one way or another whether someone comes over to pet her. She just remains still and unresponsive. I think she would be fine with kids at an age that could understand and respect how she is. However, I don't see her EVER being aggressive in any way to anyone, I just would not want to see her regress because of a child who has scared her because of loud or aggressive behavior.
I am able to coax her to go outside by hooking her up to the leash and getting my dogs to walk with us outside to the backyard. She DEFINATELY finds comfort in the company of confident dogs. I think it would be extremely important for potential adopters to have happy, confident dog/dogs already living in the home. She needs that positive influence. Once Sable gets outside, she seems to feel better out there. That is where we have seen the most tail wagging and life come to her eyes (which is incredibly rewarding!!) Even though she seems happier outside, she is always quick to run back inside and back to her spot if you let her.
Each day we have seen her make baby steps of progress. Today my husband and I were actually able to take her for a walk with our dogs around the neighborhood. I was SHOCKED that she did it! I am so encouraged by this because I think it is so important for her to start getting more exercise. I think she needs it to improve her mental and physical health. She has been immobile for a long time and since she is a good eater, so she is definitely overweight and her muscles are weak. Her metabolism is also very slow because of this. It took her two whole days at our house until she had a bowel movement.
I have been putting her in the crate at night just to ensure that she is not going to the bathroom in the house at night. She does not mind that at all.
Whoever may be interested in adopting Sable MUST understand that the road for her rehabilitation will be long and slow. She has to be given opportunities for progress, but needs to take those opportunities at her own pace. This will take a lot of effort and patience by her owner. It is also so important that her next home be her forever home!! This sweet dog needs stability and security for the rest of her life.
Foster Update 8/9/13
When we got to my house and I opened the car door she JUMPED into my arms and licked me. She RAN into the house and immediately checked to see that her food dishes and kennel were in the same place. Her tail just could not stop wagging. Then she and Rosie ran around the family room for a while until she went to the sliding door to go out. Once on the porch she went and sat in the spot she is supposed to sit and wait for me to put a retractable leash on her. So out me and Sable and Rosie went to go potty. They both went potty and then ran into my office and got on dog beds and laid down as now it is time for me to “go to work” on the computer.
8/4/13: Sable came back today through no fault of her own. SHE IS EXTREMELY SHY AND TIMID, AND NEEDS A PERSON WITH A LOT OF PATIENCE TO BRING OUT HER WONDERFUL PERSONALITY. As you can see, she is great in her foster mom's home--but keep in mind, it took her foster mom about eight or nine weeks to get Sable to that point. When she was at the shelter briefly, we had to coax her to go outside, even carrying her at one point. We have no idea what she might have gone through before she came to our rescue. But if you are looking for a typical energetic, playful Lab, Sable is not that dog. We don't know if she will ever be that dog. What we do know is that we all love her very much, and we want someone who will also love Sable for who she
is, not who she could be.
Sable came to us from another rescue, just a few days from giving birth. She had 7 beautiful puppies. Sable is the perfect mommy to her pups. She is very attentive to the puppies and very calm when letting me take the puppies from her to check and weigh them. She has not shown any aggression with the other dogs in my house and gets along with everyone. The puppies are now four weeks old so I have been beginning the weaning process and have kept Sable in my office with the other dogs while I am working. She is on the timid side, however, we are working on that.
*** According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog. Once known as the "St John's Dogs," the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada the Labrador was trained to jump overboard into the icy waters to haul fisherman's nets to shore. Specimens were brought to England in the 1800's by English ships coming from Labrador, where the dog's fine retrieving instincts were honed and developed. One of the best family dogs and canine companions because of their gentle, loving disposition, the highly trainable Labrador also excels in drug detection, as a guide for the blind, and service dog for the disabled. The breed is also an outstanding obedience and field trial competitor. Highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited. Lively and good-natured, they love to play, especially in water - for they love to swim. They have an excellent, reliable, temperament and are friendly, superb with children and equable with other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel as though they are part of the family. Labs are easily trained. These dogs are watchdogs, not guard dogs, although some have been known to guard. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.