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Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett's Web Page

Jack Russell Terrier / Basset Hound (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Learn more about the Jack Russell Terrier. Learn more about the Basset Hound.

About Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $150.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White with Black
  • Color: White and Black
  • Current Size: 31 Pounds
  • Current Age: 15 Years 5 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes
Jack is a beautiful Jack Russell/ Bassett whom has been looking for a great home for some time. He is an amazing dog with lots of love to give.

Foster Update:  Something that we have noticed is that Jack’s sight doesn’t seem to be as keen as other dogs. He sometimes gets startled by fast moving things close to him, and he has “snapped” at a couple of the young kid’s faces when they got close to his head. He doesn’t mean any harm, and they were not hurt at all, but its just a little something we have noticed.
  • Leash Manners - Jack is still learning how to walk on the leash. Jack wears a standard medium-sized collar.
  • Crate/House Training - Jack is completely house trained. He is also crate trained; he won’t go potty in his crate and he sleeps in the crate at night.
  • Socialization - Jack is good with all ages and genders. He gets along very well with our small, old dog.
  • Energy Level and Exercise - Jack is a Low/Moderate energy dog that spends a great part of his day just relaxing. He gets a short walk nearly every day.
  • Daily Structure and Schedule - Jack wakes up when you wake up, and sleeps whenever you go to sleep. He eats 3/4 of dry food twice a day; around 6am, and 6pm (or after you eat your breakfast and dinner).
  • Confidence Level - Jack is an extremely submissive dog that is very shy and scared. Every day he is geting better; when we first got him, he wouldn’t come to the middle of a room, he would sit next to a wall or couch for “protection”. Now Jack walks comfortably around the house, often finding comfort in his crate or dog bed. Jack is uncomfortable with new surrounding and situations, becoming confident comes with socialization and patience. 
  • Obedience Training - Jack knows how to Sit, we are working on Stay and how to walk properly on a leash. 
  • Behaviors - Jack sometimes jumps up on the couch, but then we just lead him to his own plush bed, and he is satisfied; as long as he is with you!
  • Personality  Quirks - Jack is a sweet dog with a loving personality, as well as deep “sad” eyes. He is the best cuddling dog, he loves lying down next to you, and also watching movies!
  • Ideal Home - Jack would do best in a home without small children, due to being startled easy by quick movements.

Like many dogs in the South, Jack is heartworm positive, but don't let that stop you from adopting a great dog. We are treating him with monthly heartworm preventative, our preferred method. Many heartworm positive dogs go on to lead long and healthy lives.

PRBJ treats ALL of our dogs with monthly Heartworm preventative. HW+ dogs are treated with the recommended slow method, using monthly HW preventative as it is gentler on the animal’s system than the more invasive, injection method. Most dogs that are Heartworm positive can lead healthy, normal lives if the disease is caught early and treatment began. There are different options to treat HW and new owners may choose to redirect their type of treatment with direction of their vet.All HW+ dogs have a HW slow treatment info sheet in their adoption folder which will be provided to new owners.

According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the Jack Russell Terrier was developed in 19th century England by a clergyman named Jack Russell. This feisty little terrier was used to hunt small game, particularly fox, by digging the quarry out of its den. Breeders have emphasized its working ability, so the standard is very broad, encompassing a wide range of accepted body types. On English hunts, the Jack Russell Terriers were supposed to be long-legged enough to keep up with the hounds. The energetic and playful Jack Russell makes a good family companion. The Jack Russell Terrier is a perky, merry, devoted, and loving dog. Spirited and obedient, yet absolutely fearless. Careful and amusing, he enjoys games and playing with toys. Friendly and generally kind to children who have been taught not to tease or strike the dog. They are intelligent, yet willful and determined. They have strong hunting instincts (stronger than your average terrier) and should not be trusted with other small animals. They like to chase and explore. Be careful not to let them off the lead unless they are very well-trained. Jack Russells like to bark and dig. They tend to get restless and destructive if not kept fruitfully occupied and well exercised. Jack Russells climb, which means they can climb over a fence, they also jump. A Jack that stands 12 inches high can easily jump five feet. JRTs are not the breed for a inexperienced dog owner. This is a BIG dog in a little dogs body. The owner needs to be as strong-willed as they are, or this little guy will take over.

More about Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett

Good with Dogs


Other Pictures of Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett (click to see larger version):

Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett
Jack the Jack Russell/Bassett

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