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Tuck the Lab Puppy's Web Page

Labrador Retriever / Terrier (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.

About Tuck the Lab Puppy

  • Status: Adopted! | View Tuck the Lab Puppy's Success Story!
  • Adoption Fee: $350.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Brown/Chocolate with White
  • Color: Tiny White spot on chest1
  • Current Size: 10.6 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 65 Pounds
  • Current Age: 12 Years 3 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
We rescued this litter of 8 from a private owner. This is why we strongly recommend spay/neuter for all dogs to prevent "Oops" litters like this one!  We know we can find these sweet puppies a great home whom will love and care for them dearly. Their mother was a brindle Lab blend and their father was thought to be a Terrier.

******Tuck is not good with small, young children. Recommend 12 and Up.****

Foster Update:  Tuck is coming along so nicely, and with continued and consistent training, he will be the most wonderful companion! He is still alpha, but we have continued to socialize him, and he is more likely to play with other dogs than attempt to dominate them. He did have an interaction with Shake on Saturday where his body language conveyed that he was attempting to be dominant, and he bowed up - being the typical alpha - but once he is corrected and gets to know the dog after a minute or two, he just wants to play. We really only see that reaction now with bigger dogs that he does not know. He no longer attemptes to dominate any of our dogs - in fact, he just loves them. His alpha personality should not pose any problem in an environment where he is socialized with other dogs. In fact, his best friend is our 60 pound catahoula/mastiff mix! He loves him, cuddles with him, plays with him and follows him everywhere. Tuck is so smart that he takes cues from our big dogs - like he is learning how to be a dog from them! It is quite endearing. Tuck really is the smartest, sweetest puppy. He has also learned to settle down when everyone else does and prefers to just sit in your lap and snuggle with you whenever your lap is available. He is not hyper at all and when he has had enough exercise, he just wants to snuggle. He's the biggest snuggler I have ever had the pleasure of snuggling with!  He sleeps all night in the bed with us - usually snuggled right up to my neck the entire night and will not have any accidents as long as he is taken out first thing when you get up. What a wonderful dog Tuck is turning out to be! He's sweet, smart, loyal and eager to please! Now we just need that perfect person to scoop him up and fall in love with him!
  • Leash Manners - Tuck wears a choke chain training collar and walks very well on leash.
  • Crate/House Training - He is crate trained, although, if he is not exercised enough during the day, he will yelp loudly (and incessantly) to get out of the crate. He has to be worn out; however, once, worn out, he sleeps most of the night, whimpering to go out when he has to potty. Tuck is out of the crate most of the day - we only crate him when we are not home, which is only a couple of hours per day. Otherwise, he uses the dog door with the rest of our dogs to go outside. He is nearly housebroken, but we noticed he will not go outside by himself (without another dog) so he has had one accident in the house because of this.  
  • Socialization - Tuck is good with adults and older children who are consistent and predictable. He is a typical puppy when it comes to older children - loves to play, etc. - but he is nervous around small children who tend to be unpredictable in their behavior and movements. His obedience training is coming along nicely, and a stern "No" is very effective with him, as he wants to please the people he is bonded to. Tuck loves playing with our other dogs, and although he showed signs of being very alpha with them when he first came to us, with some correction and more familiarity with our dogs, he has no alpha issues with them at all anymore. He does show alpha tendencies when meeting new dogs that are bigger than him, regardless of the personality of the dog, and he will growl and bark at them. He reacts to small dogs and puppies much better, as long as they are submissive to him. He recently met another puppy that also exhibits alpha tendencies, and Tuck reacted like he does with big dogs, although a stern, "No," did take care of that quickly. We continue to work with him on correcting this behavior to avoid him growing into an aggressive adult, and we take him with us anywhere we can so that he is often introduced into new situations so that we can teach him how to react properly. Tuck has a very compact, muscular body and has large paws. We believe that he will be a stocky, extremely strong dog, and with his alpha tendencies - proper socialization with other dogs is a must.
  • Energy Level and Exercise - Tuck is a very high energy puppy. He plays and runs with our large 10 month old Catahoula/Mastiff mix for most of the day. In addition to that, Tuck has become my running partner - we run a little over a mile in the morning and a little over a mile in the evening - and YES - he keeps up with my running pace for the ENTIRE duration of the run. When I say high energy, it is no joke. This is not a puppy who can be expected to sit in a crate for 8-10 hours a day. He needs a lot of exercise every day. In our home, this is taken care of because plays with our other dogs all day, and then he runs with me. Once he is worn out, however, he loves to lie in your lap and pass out.  He sleeps as hard as he plays and runs! He would be perfect for an extremely active, athletic person or family.
  • Confidence Level - As I stated before, Tuck has a very alpha personality, but with a strong human leader, he responds very well. He needs guidance and constant rewards for good behavior - not negative training. Tuck needs someone to train him and let him know that he is not the boss, but he also needs someone to cuddle him. Therein lies the essence of Tuck - tough, but sweet. This type of personality in a dog is not problematic unless left untrained. With proper training and lots of love, Tuck will be an extremely loyal dog. I have spent a lot of time working with Tuck, and he listens to everything I tell him now, and he follows me everywhere. 
  • Obedience Training - Tuck knows Sit and No. We will continue to work with him on more commands, but he is extremely smart and learns very quickly. 
  • Behaviors - Tuck loves to chew, but not any more than any other puppy. He is not excessive about it, and if you give him chew toys, he is pretty good about keeping to them.
  • Personality Quirks - Tuck has an extremely expressive face, and as he gained my trust, he now really only wants to please me, which is much better than he was when he first got here.
  • Ideal Home - Tuck's ideal home will be one with another dog (to ensure continued canine socialization). He could live with a single person or with a family. As he grows, he will need a fenced yard to run and play in to help get some of his energy under control.  Again, he should not be confined to a cage for most of a day and then again at night. He has too much energy for that. Tuck also needs to go to an assertive and dominant owner that has experience with dogs. Tuck is not the right dog for a first time dog/puppy owner, or for a family that simply wants a happy go lucky puppy that they do not have to train or socialize. Tuck's personality will very much depend on strong human leadership mixed with love and loyalty.  Tuck should also live in a home with older children, as he does not enjoy being held or handled by small children.
*** According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog. Once known as the "St John's Dogs," the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada the Labrador was trained to jump overboard into the icy waters to haul fisherman's nets to shore. Specimens were brought to England in the 1800's by English ships coming from Labrador, where the dog's fine retrieving instincts were honed and developed. One of the best family dogs and canine companions because of their gentle, loving disposition, the highly trainable Labrador also excels in drug detection, as a guide for the blind, and service dog for the disabled. The breed is also an outstanding obedience and field trial competitor. Highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited. Lively and good-natured, they love to play, especially in water - for they love to swim. They have an excellent, reliable, temperament and are friendly, superb with children and equable with other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel as though they are part of the family. Labs are easily trained. These dogs are watchdogs, not guard dogs, although some have been known to guard. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.

More about Tuck the Lab Puppy

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids

Tuck the Lab Puppy's sister, Emma the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's sister, Shallie the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's brother, Sprocket the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's brother, Wafer the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's brother, Teddy the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's sister, Layla the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Tuck the Lab Puppy's sister, Sage the Lab Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Tuck the Lab Puppy (click to see larger version):

Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy
Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy
Tuck the Lab Puppy Tuck the Lab Puppy

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