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Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's Web Page

Boxer / Greyhound (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Boxer. Learn more about the Greyhound.

Rose the Boxer/Greyhound needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping her get a new start?

About Rose the Boxer/Greyhound

  • Status: Adopted! | View Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's Success Story!
  • Adoption Fee: $200
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Brindle with White
  • Color: Brindle and White / Brindle
  • Current Size: 42 Pounds
  • Current Age: 14 Years 7 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes

Rose and her 6 puppies were set to be put to sleep at a high kill shelter. We couldn't let this sweet mamma and babies be put down. She is such a loving and amazing momma! She seems to like other dogs and will approach them with a friendly wag of the tail. She walks great on the leash, not pulling at all. And we haven't found a human yet she doesn't like!

The Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. They are highly protective of their owners and the owner's property. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay. Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play. As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children. Used as all around working farm dogs, they were referred to as "the poor mans horse". They are strong and generally weigh between 40 and 70 lbs. They have a life expectancy of about 12 - 14 years.

More about Rose the Boxer/Greyhound

Good with Dogs

Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's baby girl, Primrose the Little Boxer Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's baby girl, Marigold the Little Boxer Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's baby girl, Daffodil the Little Boxer Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's baby girl, Petal the Little Boxer Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rose the Boxer/Greyhound's baby girl, Buttercup the Little Boxer Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Rose the Boxer/Greyhound (click to see larger version):

Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound
Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound Rose the Boxer/Greyhound

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