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Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's Web Page

Burmese / British Shorthair (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)

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About Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten

  • Microchipped: Yes

Foster Update (4/16/11): Kaiden is such a joy. He is still talkative and chatters and chirps away but he has become intensely loving and affectionate. all it took was some space and time and he follows you around like a little lap dog. He will flop at your feet at every opportunity to have a head rub and a gentle fuss. He is much better at being held and won't wriggle to get down straight away. He doesn't sit on your lap but will sit like velcro next to you. You move, he moves! He LOVES his foster companion, Matilda, the little Siamese kitten and tries to get her to play with him all the time. Although she is less than half his size, she is the boss! Although they don't have to be adopted together, it would be wonderful if they could be. Kaiden loves all animals and is overall a happy, playful cat - I swear he has a sense of humor!

Kaiden is a stunning looking young boy who came from a cat hoarder's house. First thing you should know about him is that he is very chatty. He chirps and meows whilst he is doing most things. You can have a conversation with him and his vocal pitch and range is amazing. Kaiden is energetic and fun and wants to be wherever you are. He will follow you around to see what you are doing and then offers to help! He is a love bug and flops by you at every opportunity to get a gentle head or chin rub. He prefers not to be picked up and wriggles and wants to get down. This may be because he is not used to it. Coming from a cat hoarder's house he probably didn't get as much interaction with people as he should have. It's amazing that he's as social and friendly as he is given the circumstances.

Kaiden ADORES other cats. He must go to a home where there is at least one cat friendly cat.He is totally unfazed by the two large but gentle resident dogs. Since Kaiden hasn't had much experience with interacting with people I don't think he would be suitable as a child's pet.

If one were to summarize the CFA description of character it would be that the Burmese cat is a pleasant, sweet natured and people orientated cat with all the usual attractive domestic cat attributes. A great companion animal. The Burmese cat is vocal with a louder than usual voice.

More about Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten

Good with Cats

Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's sister, Glinda (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's sister, Freya the Laid Back Cat (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's companion, Delilah the Darling Little Diva Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's companion, Binx the HAPPY Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten's companion, Matilda the Siamese Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten (click to see larger version):

Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten
Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten Kaiden the LoveBug Burmese Kitten

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