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Isabel's Web Page

Siamese / Himalayan (medium coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Senior  : :  Medium

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About Isabel

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: 0.00
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Chocolate (Mostly)
  • Color: Brown & Creme / Bicolor
  • Current Size: 5.5 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 7 Pounds
  • Current Age: 24 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
Isabel was rescued by a woman who could not keep her, so we took this beautiful lady in to help her find her new home.
9/23/10 Foster Update: Isabel came to us with some pretty bad respiratory problems. After treating her with a variety of medications that weren't effective, the vets took some x-rays and discovered that she had been sick and untreated so long, the small bones in her sinusus were permanently damaged by the infection. We were able to give her quite a bit of symptom relief by getting her sinuses drained, but the long term picture is that she'll always have congestion (she snorts a bit!) and sinus problems that may require medication from time to time. In addition, she may occasionally need to be put under anesthesia to have her sinuses drained again.
That being said, I must say that she is worth it!! She is absolutely precious. Clearly, there is some siamese in her mix because she truly enjoys talk talk talking away. She is not a lap cat, but she is a "sit right next to you" cat.  Isabel is an excellent hunter of cat toys and is really playful for an older gal. She loves to be where the action is and will follow me around like a puppy. She 's fine with my other cats - doesn't seem particularly interested in them. She's much more people focused. Her fur is incredibly soft and she LOVES to be petted. She purrs up a storm and looks at you with those big beautiful dreamy eyes  - it's nearly impossible not to pay attention to her.
Isabel needs a forever home with people who can give her care when her poor sinuses act up and would probably do best in a home without young children or high-energy dogs.
Thank you to Jessica for sponsoring Isabel!

More about Isabel

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids


Other Pictures of Isabel (click to see larger version):

Isabel Isabel Isabel Isabel

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