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Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy's Web Page

American Bulldog  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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About Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy

  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
Barnum and his brother Bailey came to us from a high kill shelter.  They are both very thin so they need food and a whole lot of love.  They also both have docked tails.  Not sure why you would dock the tail on an American Bulldog, or any dog, but their's are docked.
They are both good with people and other dogs.
Foster Update:  Barnum is one of the sweetest, snuggliest puppies ever!  He loves to be with people and cuddling on couches is one of his favorite things.  He's extremely friendly to any individual who approaches him.  He walks great on a leash and has never peed in the house.  However, we're working hard on house-training the other bodily function, as he has had two indoor poop incidents: one in our home and one in PetSmart.  Still, he has also pooped many more times OUTDOORS, so we have just come to think that he poops a lot.

When it comes to other dogs, it seems to depend on the other dog.  He has had mostly positive reactions with them, mostly allowing them to inspect him as he stands still.  There has been one louder dog, however, that seemed to spark a small growl in him, which was quickly deterred.  Whenever Barnum is distracted in general, let it be another dog or a television, he is very easily brought back to where you want him to be.  He is even capable of sitting near you while you eat without begging or attempting to steal your food.  While he has had no direct contact with cats, he has not shown anymore emotion than sheer interest in the strays that roam our neighborhood.

Barnum is very inconsistent with his energy levels.  He gets small bursts of energy, especially in the morning or when he decides to "pounce" on a tennis ball, but he is very lazy for the most part.  He sleeps, rests, and cuddles much more often than he is playful.  His energy levels do seem to be increasing over the course of the days he's been here, probably as he's adjusting to our home.
According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, early Bulldogs were used in the bloody sport of bull bating. Some of these dogs emigrated with their masters from England to America. Eventually the English Bulldog was bred down in size and his personality was softened, but the American version remained a larger, fiercer dog. The American version has longer legs and more speed and agility than the English show dog. Thanks to the efforts of John D. Johnson of Summerville, Georgia the American Bulldog exists today. After he returned from WW II he was disappointed to find that, like the English Mastiff, they were almost completely extinct. He then decided to gather the best he could find from all across the rural south and bring them back from the brink of extinction. He has been breeding these dogs longer than anyone else in the world and his father bred them before him. He is an old man now (in his 80's) and these dogs have always existed in his family. He is the sole reason why they exist today. If it were not for his efforts they surely would be gone. He has been breeding them non-stop since then. The American Bulldog has also been used as a guard and in hunting bear, wild boar, squirrel and raccoon. They have even been trained to drive cattle and guard stock from predators. Farmers prize these dogs for their stamina, protectiveness, intelligence and working abilities. Some of the American Bulldogs talents are hunting, watchdogging, tracking, weight pulling, and guarding. An American Bulldog should never be confused with uniquely different breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier or the American Pit Bull Terrier. The American Bulldog is a brave and determined, but not hostile dog. Alert and self-confident, this breed genuinely loves children. It is known for its acts of heroism towards its master. These dogs have fought wild dogs, bulls and even fire. It is said "fighting off one of these dogs is like fighting an animal that possesses an alligator's head and a python's body." Yet when called off by their handler, they immediately obey. No wonder they are said to have "true grit, true devotion and true love." Because of its strong protective instincts, the American Bulldog should be well-socialized and obedience trained at an early age. Some may be aggressive with other dogs and reserved with strangers. They need to be around people to be truly happy. This breed tends to drool and slobber. They have a life expectancy of up to 16 years.

More about Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy

Good with Dogs

Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy's brother, Bailey the American Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy (click to see larger version):

Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy
Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy
Barnum the American Bulldog Puppy

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