About Cherish the Basenji |
- Status: Adopted!
- Adoption Fee: $150
- Species: Dog
- General Color: Tan
- Color: Tan
- Current Size: 40 Pounds
- Current Age: 16 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
- Microchipped: Yes
- Housetrained: Yes
- Owner Experience Needed: None
- Reaction to New People: Friendly
Cherish was found as a stray when she was so pregnant. Now, she has nine healthy and happy puppies. She will be ready for her forever home just as soon as she is spayed.
She is a great do who is good with people and other dogs.
Foster update 3/10:Cherish is really doing great! She is up to 41.6 pounds - she had been down to 27 at one point when she was emaciated. We think she is at a good weight now, so we have cut her down to one cup of dry food (Taste of the Wild) plus about 4 teaspoons of canned (B.G. - Before Grain). They are both grain free since she and one of our dogs both have had skin issues. Her coat is nice and shiny now.
We are pretty sure she was abused previously. She was very scared when we first brought her home - she shook during the whole ride home. She would also run away and cower when we entered a room with her, especially if it was a man. She soon learned to follow along with our two other dogs. They seemed to make her feel much more comfortable. She now loves to be petted and loved on and gets jealous of attention we give to our two. She also wouldn't take treats in the beginning. Now, she loves them and is incredibly gentle when taking them from your hand.
She also has discovered toys and loves to play. She likes stuffed animals, but goes through them quickly. She tears them apart and removes the stuffing. She entertains herself by throwing them around and chasing them.She also loves bones, ropes with bones (dog toys), Dental Dinosaurs, and Kongs. We keep a toy box (an old dog bed) out. She enjoys going in there and picking out toys. She likes to carry them off and make her own stash. She also likes to take anything our dog might be playing with but makes the mistake of leaving momentarily.
Now that she is healthy, she has a lot of energy. She is only about 2 years old. She likes to play, but is too sturdy and strong for our two little dogs - a three-legged chihuahua and a Tibetan Spaniel mix. She has never hurt them, but we are afraid our Tibetan Spaniel will get aggravated with her and it could get ugly. We think she would do best in a house with at least one other dog, especially one that is sturdy and energetic because she does not know her own strength. She seems comfortable being able to follow another dog's example. She catches on quickly and has only ever had one accident in the house. She has been one of the easiest dogs we have ever fostered. We also think an active person, couple, or family would be great. If she does not get enough excerise, she can be a little destructive. She has chewed a few boards on our deck and a flower pot. She is, however, good about stopping as soon as you correct her.
Cherish is an absolute sweetheart. She was even sweet and wagged her tail the whole time she was really sick and we weren't sure she was going to make it. She deserves a VERY SPECIAL home. She deserves to be treated well for the rest of her life to make up for everything in her past. We truly hope that a special person or family will love her as much as we are sure she will love them. She is truly one of the sweetest dogs we have met.
According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, the first traces of a dog similar to the Basenji are found in Egyptian tombs and wall drawings of five thousand years ago. Also called the Congo Dog, it was brought to Europe in 1934. English breeders refined it and exported it all over the world. In Africa, it is used as a guide in the forests, to warn against the approach of dangerous animals, and as a very active pack-hunting dog of small game. The Basenji is alert, affectionate, demanding, energetic and curious. It loves to play and makes a good pet, as long as it is handled regularly from an early age. It is very intelligent, responds well to training with a strong desire to please. They can be reserved with strangers. The Basenji is somewhat aloof, but can also form strong bonds with people. It should not be trusted with non-canine pets. They are usually patient, but do best with older considerate children. The Basenji dislike wet weather. They like to chew, so giving them lots of toys of their own would be a good idea. The breed likes to climb and can easily get over chain wire fences. Basenji are very clever at getting their own way, they succeed less by obstinacy than by charm. It has the unique properties of not barking (it makes a low, liquid ululation instead) and of cleaning itself like a cat. It can be described as speedy, frisky, tireless at play and teasing the owner into play. Their strong desire to play can lead to behavior problems if left alone. Most Basenji problems usually involve a mismatch between owner and pet. The owners mistake the adjective "quiet' to mean inactive instead of noiseless; thus, they become harassed by an active, though relatively silent , dog. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.