Irenia is a Lab mix puppy who was rescued from a kill shelter by our wonderful Dr. Wayne. She just couldn't see this sweet little puppy be put to sleep so she had to rescue her.
She is a Lab puppy so she's good with everything -- other dogs, kids, people, anything that life brings her way. Including but not limited to,walks,a good game of fetch, a kong filled with some tasty peanut butter, puppy training classes ( which is good for any puppy). She is highly energetic so she'll need an active family to keep her busy and out of trouble! If you have the time,engery and love Irenia will be the perfect addition to your family
Foster Update 02/05/10: She is doing great, she loves to play, sleep and eat, all the things puppies do best. She slept all night on her doggie bed with out a peep out of her. That is amazing for any age dog in a new place. We are working on her manners, sit,stay, off (jumping up), and being gentle when taking treats. She learns very quickly and is very attentive. She is great with the dogs, my daughter and anyone she sees, even the cat.
*** According to, the Labrador Retriever is a loving, affectionate, lovable, patient dog. Once known as the "St John's Dogs," the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Originally from Newfoundland, Canada the Labrador was trained to jump overboard into the icy waters to haul fisherman's nets to shore. Specimens were brought to England in the 1800's by English ships coming from Labrador, where the dog's fine retrieving instincts were honed and developed. One of the best family dogs and canine companions because of their gentle, loving disposition, the highly trainable Labrador also excels in drug detection, as a guide for the blind, and service dog for the disabled. The breed is also an outstanding obedience and field trial competitor. Highly intelligent, loyal, willing, and high-spirited. Lively and good-natured, they love to play, especially in water - for they love to swim. They have an excellent, reliable, temperament and are friendly, superb with children and equable with other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel as though they are part of the family. Labs are easily trained. These dogs are watchdogs, not guard dogs, although some have been known to guard. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.