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Rufus the Chinese Crested's Web Page

Poodle (Miniature) / Chinese Crested-Powder Puff (medium coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Small

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About Rufus the Chinese Crested

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $250
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
  • Color: White and Tan
  • Current Size: 12 Pounds
  • Current Age: 19 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: No
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
Who can resist this precious face?? Rufus is just a shy little thing, just like all the dogs that came from this breeder.
We received six dogs from a breeder who use simply bred them for profit.  They came to us in horrible shaped. They were all covered with fleas, matted down hair, it took over 3 hours to bath, clip there nails and groom the 6 dogs.
All of the dogs are all good with other dogs, but are shy and skittish around people. Probably because they have never really been around people before.
We suggest calm homes with older children.  Some can be a bit nippy if you force interactions, but they tend to cuddle up to you when they are in your arms!
Rufus has a cataract in his right eye but otherwise he is in good health!
It is time for these precious little dogs to find that special family that will pamper and love them forever!
Foster Update 12/05:
Rufus is a good boy. He was timid when we met him. He stayed in the back of his crate. But it only took a short while to coax him out. We have had him just over a week. At the adoption event, he often had his tail between his legs, scared I’m sure by all the people. In no time he was prancing around wagging his tail. It was such a great sight to see.
He likes to follow you around and is very quiet, so you have to look out for him or you will step on him or trip. He loves to be held, or sit in you lap or next to you and be petted. He will stay that way forever. He is still somewhat timid. He prefers a soft gentle voice. A loud voice or yelling scares him. Also, when you go to get him, he often cowers and rolls over onto his back in submission. He quickly warms back up once you pet him or pick him up.
You can tell he has been kept in a cage. He often circles, always to the left. It can make you dizzy watching him. It just makes you wonder how badly he was treated before. He does walk around and explore and will make himself comfortable in a dog bed. He is crate trained, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say he is housebroken. We are working on it though.
We have taken him to the Dog Park twice. He follows us around nicely. By the second time we were happy that he actually went up to a couple of women he did not know. He let them hold him and pet him. In fact, one thought he might be the perfect companion for her dad, since her mother is going into a nursing home. We were really pleasantly surprised that he also went up to a man that he did not know. He is warming up to people pretty quickly.
Rufus would probably do best in a more quiet type of household, because loud voices and noises scare him. He is very sweet. He will sit with you as long as you want him to. He also walked around in the Dog Park just great and has his bursts of playfulness. He deserves a loving home that will spoil him.
According to www.dogbreedinfo.com, there are two distinct varieties of this unusual dog: one is hairless except for its feet, head and tail, and called, not surprisingly, the Hairless; the other is called the Powder Puff. It has a coat of long soft hair. The Chinese Crested originated in Africa where they were called "African Hairless Terriers." The ancient Aztecs kept them as bedwarmers, and believe it or not, did eat them. The Chinese trading ships stopped along Africa on their routes, and it was there that they picked up these dogs because they were excellent ratters for aboard their ships. They renamed the dogs "Chinese Crested" and the name stuck. The stripper, Gypsy Rose Lee, used to breed Chinese Crested. The most popular of the hairless breed, the Chinese Crested are still very rare. These dogs are sweet, lively, playful and cuddly. They are exceptionally loving and likes to hug and smile. Affectionate with children. Children should be taught not to be rough with this breed as it is friendly, but it does not have the protective hair that other breeds have and can get injured easily. They are an entertaining companion. Intelligent and very alert. Puppies should be well-socialized and exposed to loud noises when young to avoid potential timidity. If its owners do not baby them, these dogs can grow up to be a very well-adjusted dog. They have an ability to perform tricks and are generally good with other pets. They are not barkers. Chinese Crested Dogs like to climb and dig holes. They tend to become very attached to their owners and have difficulty adjusting to a new one. Chinese Crested Dogs crave constant companionship. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years.

More about Rufus the Chinese Crested

Good with Dogs

Rufus the Chinese Crested's companion, Sherri the Chinese Crested (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rufus the Chinese Crested's companion, Daisy the Chinese Crested (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rufus the Chinese Crested's companion, Abby the Chinese Crested (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rufus the Chinese Crested's companion, Precious the Chinese Crested (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Rufus the Chinese Crested's companion, Duke the Chinese Crested (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Other Pictures of Rufus the Chinese Crested (click to see larger version):

Rufus the Chinese Crested Rufus the Chinese Crested Rufus the Chinese Crested Rufus the Chinese Crested
Rufus the Chinese Crested Rufus the Chinese Crested

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