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Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten's Web Page

Calico (medium coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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About Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $150
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Calico or Dilute Calico
  • Color: Black, Brown, Orange, White / Calico
  • Current Size: 10 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 13 Pounds
  • Current Age: 16 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

What can I say?  I just love Sayen.  If she doesn't watch it she is going to become my next furry child.  (Well, that's kind of a joke with me and the adoption coordinators.  Yes, I'm a "foster failure"!)  I just think Sayen is so beautiful!  She is one of those kittens that loves to pounce on the sheets or blankets as you are "trying" to make the bed or change the sheets.  It can make for a long process but is fun!


If she wants affection in the middle of the night, she tends to nibble just on the end of my finger.  She does not bite...just nibbles...and nibbles.  She would loves to play by having a toy thrown and running after it.  She loves to do that repeatedly.  She loves to just lay somewhere in close proximity to me anytime I'm on the computer at night.


Sayen is "lovely" in the Native American Mapuche language. And, this little kitten is lovely!


03.30.09 Foster Update:
Sayen is soooo cute! You can tell how beautiful she is - her personality matches her beauty. She loves to be right where you are.

04.05.09 Foster Update:
I've introduced the Shima (mama's name) kitties to dogs. They are great with them. We're talking 45-65 lb dogs!

Sometimes I just lay on the floor and let all four of the kittens crawl around on me - which they love to do. It's kind of like getting a massage. So, if you like massages you might want to consider adopting all four kittens!


04.17.09 Foster Update:  These kitties are such a joy!  They really are lovers...and all have their own little wants and needs...but mainly just want your attention once they are through playing with their siblings.

Sayen is such a sweet, sweet girl.  When she is resting with me, I have to just keep telling myself, "NO MORE KITTENS!"


These kittens really love each other...just look at the photo of them all laying all over each other!

05.23.09 Foster Update:  These kittens have not been with me for several weeks.  Everytime I went into the Center, I would go see them.  It amazes me how they continue to be very close to each other.  They love nothing more than to be cuddled up with each other (unless there is a human available).  I'm trying desperately to have access to my keyboard right now but two of them want to lay on my lap and prevent me from reaching the keyboard.

Sayen just loves me.  It's funny how she has migrated back to being exactly how she was when she was here before - right in my lap!  I can change positions, I can get up and carry her, I can lay down and put her on my stomach...she still stays where I am.  She loves to situate herself so she can just look up at me.  She is just so sweet.  Sometimes if she wants you to pet her, she will nibble on your finger.  If you want an independent kitten, this would not be the one.  Whoever decides to adopte Sayen will be very glad they did.


05.29.09 Foster Update:  There is so much I could say about Sayen but it would all sound redundant.  She is WONDERFUL...very affectionate, sweet, etc., etc., etc.

I think what amazes me about these four is how much they continue to love each other.  They would love to do nothing than to lay all over each other (unless, of course, they are on my lap).  I came home from work today to them.  They could have all had their own room but, nope, they are all on the same pillow snuggled up together.

06.04.09 Foster Update:  This little girl has discovered the mouse pointer on the scree!  Not only will she follow it but she will stand up and reach up to the top of the monitor to get it.  What does that mean?  That means that I can't see what I'm doing on the monitor - so we are having a bit of a power struggle about whose work is more important.  She's winning!

Sayen also has discovered what happens when she hears the sound of the ice maker, on the refrigerator, when I am getting crushed ice.  She gets ice chips off of the floor!  She can be playing with her toys in another room but when she hears the ice maker - she comes flying to the refrigerator!  She just stands there and looks up at the ice maker!  It's the funniest thing!

She continues to nibble on my finger when she doesn't think she's getting enough attention.


07.03.08 Foster Update:  Of the four siblings, Sayen has claimed herself as my soulmate.  So, yes, it will be especially hard for me to let her go to her forever home.  However, as a foster parent you "eventually" learn that is your job...love them, raise them, protect them, then let them go.  Sayen is much like her siblings...loving and affectionate.


08.21.09 Foster Update:  I think Sayen has been taking some lessons from her brother.  She has become a little bit of the instigator (but in a good way).  She loves to play with her siblings - in the way that kittens play...running and tackling...and then before I know it they are hugging each other and cleaning each other! Sayen is a beautiful girl also!

More about Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten's brother, Kachina the Black Panther (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten's sister, Maira the Cooing Calico Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten's sister, Yazhi the Sweet Little Tortie Kitten (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten's mother, Shima the Talker (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Videos of Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten:

Other Pictures of Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten (click to see larger version):

Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten
Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten Sayen the Playful Calico Kitten

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