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Harmony the Loving Terrier's Web Page

Terrier / Boxer / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Medium

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Harmony the Loving Terrier needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping her get a new start?

About Harmony the Loving Terrier

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $150
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tan/Yellow/Fawn with White
  • Color: Tan and White
  • Current Size: 40 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 50 Pounds
  • Current Age: 18 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
We rescued Harmony on the last day of 2008. This darling girl was picked up as a stray by Animal Control and gave birth to ten puppies shortly thereafter. Mary Beth, the administer, always worries about the new mommies and their babies at her shelter and will often call Judy to ask if there is room for them with us. In this case, how could we say no?
Harmony is a very sweet dog. She is very friendly, always has a wagging tail, plays wonderfully with other dogs. She is not comfortable when the playingfield is not even, ass when she is on a leash and another dog isn't. She isn't a very big dog, but well built. Really, this is a love!!!

2/1 Volunteer Update:
Harmony is as princess to me. I think we should of called her Miss Wiggles because she is so excited to meet new people and get some loving from them. The 1st morning we had to take her ten beautiful puppies away from her she was soo sad and depressed. But Harmony had a cold and was getting worse and Judy was afraid that the babies would get sick. The babies all went to wounderful Foster homes and were bottle fed. But sweet momma Harmony was still at the kennal in a crate now sick and with no babies. I would be depressed as well. I started to work on leash training ( which she is getting the hang on no problem) and she learned to sit and stay in one day! Harmony is a very smart learner; with a little practice she could and can do anything she is worked with on. I had Jessica ( one of the volunteer's daughter who is 10) work with her on sit and stay and just to give Harmony some love to brighten her up and it worked wonders with her. I think she would be great in a home with kids. She loves to go places in the car. Judy took her home for about a week or so and then brought her up to spend the day in the office and she remember eveything we worked on before. She is very bright. If you looking for a dog filled with joy and hope then she is right one for you!

More about Harmony the Loving Terrier

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids

Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby girl, Annie the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby boy, Romeo The Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby boy, Zaccheaus the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby girl, Maggie the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby girl, Sunnie the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby boy, Levi the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby boy, Peanut the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby girl, Juliet the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Harmony the Loving Terrier's baby boy, King the Bulldog Puppy (adopted) can also be seen on our website.


Video of Harmony the Loving Terrier:

Other Pictures of Harmony the Loving Terrier (click to see larger version):

Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier
Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier Harmony the Loving Terrier
Harmony the Loving Terrier

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